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How to use your website backups

As part of your website hosting & maintenance service, not only will your website be backed up daily at the hosting provider, we will also manually back up your website each month and store it remotely in Google Drive.

By storing the backups on a trusted platform, we guarantee the accessibility and availability of your website’s data even in unlikely scenarios, such as unforeseen disruptions to our business operations. This redundancy measure assures our valued clients that they will always have direct access to their website backups, providing peace of mind and minimising any potential downtime.

Instructions on how to access and use your website backups are listed below.


Request access to your backup folder in Google Drive

In order to access your backups, you will need to either request access using your Google account, or tell us the email address associated with your Google account and we can invite you.

You can find the link to your backups folder in your monthly maintenance emails.


Download your backup files

In your backup folder, you will find the last four months worth of backups (starting May 2023).

Each month, 2 files will be added to the folder; A .zip file and a .php file. The files will be prefixed with a date in YYYYMMDD format (eg. “20230502” = 2nd May 2023)

You will need to download the matching .zip and .php file.


Upload to a new web-server

You will now be able to upload these 2 folders into the public directory of a new web-server. Most hosting providers will be able to assist you with this step.

Please click the link below to see the full up-to-date instructions for restoring a backup